Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Etawa Livestock Maintenance

etawa big goat
Etawa Livestock Maintenance - Many ways to preserve and maintain the health of livestock. But not all the way to type this Etawa. The wrong way will make the cattle so stressful and unhealthy, even die. To improve the cleanliness etawa with bathing.
May seem too much to keep cattle in the same race then we bathe goats, maybe some people would say that it's just bathe Etawa excessive.
But we need to know the other benefits that can be obtained by bathing the animal in particular Etawa One was very important that we can reap the benefits that are accelerating lust for a female goat.
Some of my experiences and the farmers usually bathe Etawa female goats for three months shortly after feeding often creates lust for the mother. Other more important benefits can also be obtained which suppress the development of feather lice on Etawa.
As we know that ticks on Etawa may be trivial but fatal in livestock development Etawa, because ticks are blood sucking Etawa Etawa through the skin, on the other side so it's rather difficult to animal feed because of disturbed eating feathers have often bite because they feel itching of course when cattle must rest also get rather annoyed.
Etawa cattle that were attacked ticks usually become thin and fragile (easy) to disease.
Bathing routine if Etawa cattle in a certain period will help suppress the development of head lice and skin diseases or prevent disease. But while bathing cattle Etawa very well done but will not be home to bathe because there will possibly be fatal to livestock can lead to death Etawa, and therefore should be well understood common bathing procedures done by the farmers in the village of Donorejo, Tlogoguwo, Pandanrejo and surrounding

How to bathe Etawa Livestock

When bathing the animal must pay attention to the weather and the environment temperature preferably in the morning before noon
Account the possibility of cattle after bathing will receive sunlight
Wet the animal with water on the spray can of water or use a hose sprayer, simply wet the hair which is then followed by giving soap to remove dirt with a detergent or the like may be to remove grease and grime that attaches to the hair.
Make sure that all of the foam can be touched to the skin.
Avoid flushed the head of the goat but still have to wash the back of the head, especially around the neck to between the two horns, because of the common and often that's where fleas lay eggs and breed. After all exposed foam and then rinse with water.
For the Goat is a lot of fleas when rinsing rinse water should be mixed with flea medicine for cattle. On several occasions I sometimes bathe goats also often provide shampoo to soften or break down on dreadlocks (hair that extends around the tail, rump to the hind legs)
Bathing goats I usually do about fifteen days to Parent unless Parent if is already pregnant goat breeders usually do not bathe the animal to give birth, because some events often interfere with the development of pregnancy and even some of the events eventually lead to colds Etawa and miscarriage.
For mains Etawa that women should wait until delivery at which of course also not be permitted prior to five days after giving birth.
Shortly after the birth we usually only the tail and  spray out (around the buttocks) with warm water in the mix of drugs out flies to clean up the buttocks and tail feathers that are useful to avoid the larvae grow around the pubic Parent Etawa.
Bathing Etawa will also get the benefit of reducing odor in goat Etawa. While bathing is usually done after Etawa Etawa puppies older than two months because if you are too young are not able to withstand the cold.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Etawa for Livestock Business

Etawa for Livestock Business - Etawa is one of goat species and its kind of big goat. Crosses etawa results are the results of a cross between a goat and the goat bean Etawa. The results of these crosses resulted in body shape between Etawa nuts and goat with the following characteristics:
Ear-length ranges from 18-30 cm;Winning goat's body weight 50 kg;
High-range 76-100 cm shoulder;
Fur-Color varies from brown to black
This type is very good for goat and farmed for meat  appreciated by the public as more tender and tasty, the reproduction and growth of weight relatively quickly. The goat weight etawa Crosses can reach 68-91 kg making it suitable to be used as meat-producing animals. In spite of it all, goat crosses etawa results have a good sale price and can  increase our profit in livestock business.

etawa goat
Etawa Goat Picture

How to Improve Etawa Livestock Business

Maintaining Etawa is a good way to our Business
Ways to raise goats that are currently performed by many rural communities were less favorable. Feeding only minimally, even not rare to find a goat was released just to feed them and making less enclosure meets the requirements. Traditional way of raising goats like it should be abandoned.
The following are the ways of intensive goat farming:

1. Making home
Appropriate enclosure to perform maintenance intensive goat should be made using the stage system. Wide cage is ideal for a goat is 1 square meter. To be protected from rain and sheep in bad weather, then the enclosure should be roofed and closed the side so that goats can not be free to roam.
Once the enclosure is finished, the next step is to be germ free sterilization.

etawa cage concept
 Etawa Cage Concept

example etawa cage concept
Example Etawa Cage

2. Procurement of goats
Goats should be fattened and cultivated farms that have been imported from monitored his health and of good quality. Selection of goats can be done using the following criteria:
a. No disease and no disability
b. Between 1.5 to 2 years old
c. Having a straight line back
d. High heels
e. His body was strong and agile look.
After the goats arrived at home, then given vitamin for 2 weeks to relieve the stress experienced during the trip.

3. Feeding
Given feed concentrates and may consist of bran in the ratio 1: 3 or merging some of the feed material with a ratio of 50% bran, coconut cake 25%, 15% corn meal, peanut meal 8%, 1% salt, bone meal 0 , 5% and 0.5% lime For additional feed to the goats can be given turf grass, such as elephant grass, Setaria grass, grass Bengal, king grass and natural grass and leaves, like leaves lamtoro, leaves turi, gamal leaves, bean leaves and leaves Kaliandra. Additional food can be given as much as 15-20% of body weight of goats.
To spur the growth of body weight, may be given growth stimulants (GS) of Bio-N-Plus. This material contains vitamin premix and mineral premix is ​​a mixture of various vitamins and minerals used in the micro-feed ration (0.5%).

4. Making meter bust
Meter circumference of the chest was made to determine goat weight using the formula (X + 22) quadrate/100. For example, a goat's chest circumference 40 cm = X, then the goat's weight is (40 +22) squared divided by 100 equal to 38.44 kg.

super big etawa goat
Super Big Etawa Goat

Don't ever give up to develop our farm business ideas.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Livestock Business Ideas

Livestock Business Ideas - Having farmed is a dream for every person who likes farming. This is business are that can be develop an earning big money. But almost of them, they don't know how to start this farm business. Farm business ideas are indispensable to create and develop this business area. However, an idea of a creator in business is greatly influence the farm business in the future whether to stop and did not work or will be a new breakthrough in the world of the farm business. Farm business idea is a little and not everyone glance. So this is a big gap to enter the business world, especially in the farm business.

Horse Livestock Business Ideas

Though many farm stands, many of those who can not optimally to the fullest. They tend to raise the usual pattern of even traditional. Actually they want to increase their livestock business, but they do not understand the idea of ​​how to obtain maximum results and what type of livestock farmers will choose. Here is the importance of farm business idea in developing the farm business. 
Starting this business needed a great idea of farm business ideas. An Idea that leads to the development of the farm is a form Suitable idea in developing the livestock business. For example, if the currently popular on horse cattle business and almost all people do it, do not you put all your investment money to start a business Because It comprises many horses’ livestock competitors. But do not be discouraged to start a cattle horse business; it is enough that you put some or perhaps a quarter of the number of investing your money
And what there is to optimize the amount of money? Think smart in other farm business idea. For example, still on horse cattle business, make a new breakthrough to optimize what can be produced by a horse. Mare's milk is another option. By developing this mare's milk is a great opportunity for the other horse breeders do not chosen? You can also develop this mare's milk into other products such as yogurt, ice cream and many others.
So here is the importance of farm business idea in mind and what steps has not been done by others. Start with small farm business ideas. Start with small business ideas to analyze the farm business is suitable for existing farms have. You can ask the opinion of relatives or siblings. Even through the internet is a surefire way to just looking for ideas like the site farm business ideas.

cows farm ideas
Cows Livestock Business Ideas

Don't ever give up to develop our farm business ideas.